2014年9月26日 0 意見

門訓查經:使徒行傳 - 第五章

1有一個人,名叫亞拿尼亞,同他的妻子撒非喇賣了田產, 2 把價銀私自留下幾分,他的妻子也知道,其餘的幾分拿來放在使徒腳前。 3 彼得說:「亞拿尼亞!為甚麼撒但充滿了你的心,叫你欺哄聖靈,把田地的價銀私自留下幾分呢? 4 田地還沒有賣,不是你自己的嗎?既賣了,價銀不是你作主嗎?你怎麼心裏起這意念呢?你不是欺哄人,是欺哄 神了。」 5 亞拿尼亞聽見這話,就仆倒,斷了氣;聽見的人都甚懼怕。 6 有些少年人起來,把他包裹,抬出去埋葬了。 7 約過了三小時,他的妻子進來,還不知道這事。 8 彼得對她說:「你告訴我,你們賣田地的價銀就是這些嗎?」她說:「就是這些。」 9 彼得說:「你們為甚麼同心試探主的靈呢?埋葬你丈夫之人的腳已到門口,他們也要把你抬出去。」 10 婦人立刻仆倒在彼得腳前,斷了氣。那些少年人進來,見她已經死了,就抬出去,埋在她丈夫旁邊。 11 全教會和聽見這事的人都甚懼怕。 


  • 心裡被「撒旦充滿」,帶來欺哄、說謊、隱藏:
    • 彼得說:「亞拿尼亞!為甚麼撒但充滿了你的心,叫你欺哄聖靈,把田地的價銀私自留下幾分呢?(使5:3)
    • 毒蛇的種類!你們既是惡人,怎能說出好話來呢?因為心裏所充滿的,口裏就說出來。 善人從他 心裏 所存的善就發出善來;惡人從他 心裏 所存的惡就發出惡來。(太12:34-35)
    • 在神面前沒有什麼能夠隱藏,不要只是想要在人面前隱藏:
      • 這時,有幾萬人聚集,甚至彼此踐踏。耶穌開講,先對門徒說:「你們要防備法利賽人的酵,就是假冒為善。 掩蓋的事沒有不露出來的;隱藏的事沒有不被人知道的。 因此,你們在暗中所說的,將要在明處被人聽見;在內室附耳所說的,將要在房上被人宣揚。」(路12:1-3)
      • 「所以,不要怕他們;因為掩蓋的事沒有不露出來的,隱藏的事沒有不被人知道的。 我在暗中告訴你們的,你們要在明處說出來;你們耳中所聽的,要在房上宣揚出來。 那殺身體、不能殺靈魂的,不要怕他們;惟有能把身體和靈魂都滅在地獄裏的,正要怕他。(太10:26-28)
  • 神透過使徒嚴格處理教會內部問題,特別在誠實面對神的方面:
    • 亞拿尼亞聽見這話,就仆倒,斷了氣;聽見的人都甚懼怕。(使5:5)
    • 不要因關係密切,而掩蓋虛假,同心試探主的靈:
      • 也不要試探主 ,像他們有人試探的,就被蛇所滅。(林前10:9)


  • 你有什麼是在神或教會面前想要隱藏的事呢?
  • 你怎麼看同心試探主的這件事?你覺得教會有什麼事是不誠實對神?
    12 主藉使徒的手在民間行了許多神蹟奇事;他們都同心合意地在所羅門的廊下。 13 其餘的人沒有一個敢貼近他們,百姓卻尊重他們。 14 信而歸主的人越發增添,連男帶女很多。 15 甚至有人將病人抬到街上,放在床上或褥子上,指望彼得過來的時候,或者得他的影兒照在甚麼人身上。 16 還有許多人帶著病人和被污鬼纏磨的,從耶路撒冷四圍的城邑來,全都得了醫治。


    • 是主藉著使徒的手施行祂的工作,而不是使徒做的:
      • 主藉使徒的手在民間行了許多神蹟奇事;他們都同心合意地在所羅門的廊下。(使5:12)
    • 神使用的僕人會使人畏懼,因聖潔而有距離感:
      • 其餘的人沒有一個敢貼近他們,百姓卻尊重他們。(使5:13)
      • 摩西因跟神非常親近,面皮發光,而使得以色列人都怕他:
        • 摩西手裏拿著兩塊法版下西奈山的時候,不知道自己的面皮因耶和華和他說話就發了光。 亞倫和以色列眾人看見摩西的面皮發光就怕挨近他。(出34:29-30)
    • 當我們生命不斷被神改變,神就會吸引四圍的人來到我們當中:
      • 信而歸主的人越發增添,連男帶女很多。(使5:14)


    • 針對神所使用的人讓人有距離感你有什麼想法?你覺得為什麼會讓人有距離感?
    • 我們的生命有不斷在主裡面改變而使我們可以影響更多生命嗎?
      17 大祭司和他的一切同人,就是撒都該教門的人,都起來,滿心忌恨, 18 就下手拿住使徒,收在外監。 19 但主的使者夜間開了監門,領他們出來, 20 說:「你們去站在殿裏,把這生命的道都講給百姓聽。」 21 使徒聽了這話,天將亮的時候就進殿裏去教訓人。大祭司和他的同人來了,叫齊公會的人和以色列族的眾長老,就差人到監裏去,要把使徒提出來。 22 但差役到了,不見他們在監裏,就回來稟報說: 23 「我們看見監牢關得極妥當,看守的人也站在門外;及至開了門,裏面一個人都不見。」 24 守殿官和祭司長聽見這話,心裏犯難,不知這事將來如何。 25 有一個人來稟報說:「你們收在監裏的人,現在站在殿裏教訓百姓。」 26 於是守殿官和差役去帶使徒來,並沒有用強暴,因為怕百姓用石頭打他們。 27 帶到了,便叫使徒站在公會前;大祭司問他們說: 28 「我們不是嚴嚴地禁止你們,不可奉這名教訓人嗎?你們倒把你們的道理充滿了耶路撒冷,想要叫這人的血歸到我們身上!」 29 彼得和眾使徒回答說:「順從 神,不順從人,是應當的。 30 你們掛在木頭上殺害的耶穌,我們祖宗的 神已經叫他復活。 31  神且用右手將他高舉(或譯:他就是 神高舉在自己的右邊),叫他作君王,作救主,將悔改的心和赦罪的恩賜給以色列人。 32 我們為這事作見證; 神賜給順從之人的聖靈也為這事作見證。」 33 公會的人聽見就極其惱怒,想要殺他們。 34 但有一個法利賽人,名叫迦瑪列,是眾百姓所敬重的教法師,在公會中站起來,吩咐人把使徒暫且帶到外面去, 35 就對眾人說:「以色列人哪,論到這些人,你們應當小心怎樣辦理。 36 從前杜達起來,自誇為大;附從他的人約有四百,他被殺後,附從他的全都散了,歸於無有。 37 此後,報名上冊的時候,又有加利利的猶大起來,引誘些百姓跟從他;他也滅亡,附從他的人也都四散了。 38 現在,我勸你們不要管這些人,任憑他們吧!他們所謀的、所行的,若是出於人,必要敗壞; 39 若是出於 神,你們就不能敗壞他們,恐怕你們倒是攻擊 神了。」 40 公會的人聽從了他,便叫使徒來,把他們打了,又吩咐他們不可奉耶穌的名講道,就把他們釋放了。 41 他們離開公會,心裏歡喜,因被算是配為這名受辱。 42 他們就每日在殿裏、在家裏不住地教訓人,傳耶穌是基督。


      • 沒有人能攔阻神的工作:
        • 但主的使者夜間開了監門,領他們出來,說:「你們去站在殿裏,把這生命的道都講給百姓聽。」
        • 若不是出於主,領袖被殺害後就會消失:
          • 從前杜達起來,自誇為大;附從他的人約有四百,他被殺後,附從他的全都散了,歸於無有。(使5:36)
      • 使徒勇敢在面對生命威脅時,宣告要順從神而不是順從人:
        • 29 彼得和眾使徒回答說:「順從 神,不順從人,是應當的。
        • 大衛在面對極大的仇敵歌利亞時,順服神去擊敗仇敵:
          • 大衛對非利士人說:「你來攻擊我,是靠著刀槍和銅戟;我來攻擊你,是靠著萬軍之耶和華的名,就是你所怒罵帶領以色列軍隊的 神。(撒上17:45)
        • 只要順從聖靈的引導作事,神會透過聖靈使人看見與順服:
          • 我們為這事作見證;神賜給順從之人的聖靈也為這事作見證。(使5:32)
      • 配得為主的名受辱,心裡充滿歡喜:
        • 公會的人聽從了他,便叫使徒來,把他們打了,又吩咐他們不可奉耶穌的名講道,就把他們釋放了。他們離開公會,心裏歡喜,因被算是配為這名受辱。他們就每日在殿裏、在家裏不住地教訓人,傳耶穌是基督。(使5:40-42)


      • 你覺得你目前神在你身上的工作的攔阻是什麼?
      • 在面對危險與困難時,關於順從神與順從人,你有什麼樣的經歷呢?
      • 你曾經為主的名受辱,而心裡充滿歡喜嗎?
      2014年9月13日 0 意見

      職場小組英文 QT 講義 (Titus 2:9-15)


      The Beautiful Dexterity of Grace

      9 Teach slaves to be subject to their masters in everything, to try to please them, not to talk back to them,
      10 and not to steal from them, but to show that they can be fully trusted, so that in every way they will make the teaching about God our Savior attractive.
      11 For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men.
      12 It teaches us to say "No" to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age,
      13 while we wait for the blessed hope--the glorious appearing of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ,
      14 who gave himself for us to redeem us from all wickedness and to purify for himself a people that are his very own, eager to do what is good.
      15 These, then, are the things you should teach. Encourage and rebuke with all authority. Do not let anyone despise you.

      10不可私拿東西;要顯為忠誠,以致凡事尊榮我們救主 ​​神的道。


      • Dexterity: 敏捷
      • redeem: 救贖
      • eager to: 渴望
      • despise: 輕視


      A Teaching That Is Attractive (2:9~10) 

      Paul encourages slaves to behave and act a certain way in order to “make the teaching about God our Savior attractive.” The root word that is translated as “attractive” is kosmeo, which is where we get the word “cosmetics” (i.e., makeup and other accessories). The point of using cosmetics is to make people more attractive and pleasing to others, and so Paul is saying that the teaching of God—the Gospel—should become more attractive and appealing to others as we live out its implications. Although these slaves, just like the rest of us, deserve death because of their sin, Jesus died on their behalf—taking their sin and giving them His righteousness. In the same way, He has taken away the ugliness of our wretchedness and has covered us with the beauty of His humility, love, and grace.

      - The Gospel is not merely something to be accepted and known, but something that affects the way we live. How are you making the Gospel appealing and attractive to others through your actions?


      • cosmetics: 化妝品
      • accessories: 配件
      • appealing: 吸引人
      • implications: 影響
      • wretchedness: 可憐

      A Teaching That Trains (2:11~15)  

      In these verses, we read that the grace which has appeared that offers salvation also teaches us godliness. The word that is translated “teaches” is paideuo—a word that means “to discipline/chastise” in reference to children. Basically, Paul is saying that the same grace that saves us also trains us; salvation is not the end, but the beginning. Too many people think that Christianity is only about going to heaven, but Paul blows that idea out of the water. He says that a big part of being a Christian means going through discipline, refinement, and training. If someone wants to be a Christian, he or she must accept this reality.

      - Remember that the same grace that saves us also trains us. As you strive to be more like Christ, focus on what Christ has done, and find strength in His work, not yours.


      • discipline: 訓練
      • chastise: 懲罰
      • blows: 擊打
      • refinement: 細化
      • strive: 努力

      A letter to God 

      Jesus, thank you for saving me and making me new through faith in Your death and resurrection. May I not be a stumbling block to others with my life, but make the Gospel attractive to others through Your training grace. In Your mighty name. Amen.
      2014年9月12日 0 意見

      APHA 啟示性查經:雅歌



      2014-09-12 領受

      • 關鍵經文:
        • 你這女子中極美麗的,你若不知道,只管跟隨羊群的腳蹤去,把你的山羊羔牧放在牧人帳棚的旁邊。
      • 關鍵字詞:
        • 不知道、牧放在牧人帳棚的旁邊
      • 主要問題:
        • 為什麼要把山羊羔牧放在牧人帳棚的旁邊?
      • 禱告領受的啟示:
        • 神帶領我加入 APHA,在一開始的時候我會不知道我該做什麼?有時會疑惑我來到 APHA 神要操練我什麼?神對於我在 APHA 的定位是什麼?這條路跟我門訓宣教的道路有什麼關係?神透過這節經文告訴我,目前我還不知道我的美麗,在這團隊中的角色,但我只管跟隨著羊群的腳蹤去,不要想太多。
        • 我的山羊羔就是我目前所空出的時間,放牧在牧人帳棚旁邊,就是將這一段時間安排在跟隨 APHA 團隊的帶領。因為有時我內心都會有掙扎,覺得自己預備門訓宣教的時間不夠多,還要再多出時間配合 APHA 團隊的作息,這讓我內心有點疑惑,但今天神透過經文堅定我的心,雖然我還不知道我的美麗,但我只要順服祂的引導,把我的山羊羔放牧在牧人帳棚旁邊就好了。 
      • 延伸經文:
        • 在你一切所行的事上都要認定他,他必指引你的路。(箴 3:6)
          • 在我一切所做的事情都要認定對齊耶穌,耶穌必指引我前面的道路。
        • 人心籌算自己的道路;惟耶和華指引他的腳步。(箴 16:9)
          • 不要用自己的眼光去籌算自己的道路,而是要順服神所引導的道路,神必指引我的腳步,一步一步走在祂的心意當中。
      • 其他資源研究:
      • 歸納:
        • 神帶領我進 APHA,要我跟隨大家的步伐走,不用想太多。
        • 順服神的帶領與引導,雖不知我是怎樣的美麗,但我只要繼續跟著祂的指引走下去,我必看見祂眼中的美麗。
      • 回應與禱告:
        • 主呀,謝謝你透過你的話語對我說話,讓我在迷惑的時候開啟我的眼,讓我知道我在你的眼光中是多麼地美麗。雖然我目前還是不知道你要我在 APHA 的定位是為何?但我目前只要照著大家所走的方向前進即可,感謝你賜給我在靈裡的安全感,因為我不想因隨波逐流而順服,我期待是你要我順服而順服。感謝你讓我聽到你的聲音,使我有安全感地跟著大家繼續走下去,感謝神。

      2014-09-26 領受

      • 關鍵經文:
        • 我的佳偶,我將你比法老車上套的駿馬。你的兩腮因髮辮而秀美;你的頸項因珠串而華麗。我們要為你編上金辮,鑲上銀釘。(雅1:9-11)
      • 關鍵字詞:
        • 上套、編上、鑲上、因珠串而美麗
      • 主要問題:
        • 上套、編上、鑲上有什麼屬靈涵意?
        • 為什麼需要這些裝飾來得著華麗?
      • 禱告領受的啟示:
        • 神讓我在默想中領受到上套、編上、鑲上這些動作代表著受限制、受苦,神讓我在異象中看見耶穌一樣在十字架被鑲上銀釘,在受屈辱時被帶上荊棘冠冕。
        • 當為神承受這些受苦,這些受苦成為我屬靈上的裝飾,讓我因受苦而更彰顯我的美麗,像耶穌經歷了十字架,而使得更彰顯出祂的榮美。
      • 延伸經文:
        • 我想,現在的苦楚若比起將來要顯於我們的榮耀就不足介意了。(羅8:18)
          • 當知道如今所受的每一個苦楚都是神要穿在我們身上的榮耀,定睛看著將來要顯在我們身上的榮耀,就可以忍受一切的短暫痛苦。
        • 所種的是羞辱的,復活的是榮耀的;所種的是軟弱的,復活的是強壯的;(林前 5:43)
          • 現在所受的羞辱,將來復活時是榮耀的,羞辱是榮耀的裝飾。
        • 叫你們的信心既被試驗,就比那被火試驗仍然能壞的金子更顯寶貴,可以在耶穌基督顯現的時候得著稱讚、榮耀、尊貴。(彼前1:7)
          • 這些苦難是神對我們信心的試驗,經過試驗就顯出我們在神眼中如金子的寶貴。
      • 其他資源研究:

      • 歸納:
        • 上套、編上、鑲上代表著為基督受苦。
        • 這些受苦就像屬靈的裝飾,一個一個穿戴在我們身上,可以更彰顯基督的榮耀。
        • 為了將來的榮耀便可以忍受一切穿戴時的不舒服。
      • 回應與禱告:
        • 主呀,感謝你透過實體地穿戴裝飾的異象來像我彰顯基督受苦的榮耀,也像穿戴裝飾一樣,一件一件苦難穿戴在祂的身上,使得祂更顯得榮耀。你也邀請我與基督同背起十字架,讓我也跟隨耶穌穿戴起一件件的受苦,使你更在我身上彰顯你的榮耀。主呀,我願意順服你,讓你透過我的身體彰顯榮耀,求你賜給我勝過試探的力量,使我能夠穿戴起這些裝飾,而因未來的榮耀忍受目前所受的苦難,求你帶領我。
      0 意見

      APHA 啟示性查經:啟示錄


      看哪,他駕雲降臨! 眾目要看見他, 連刺他的人也要看見他; 地上的萬族都要因他哀哭。 這話是真實的。阿們! 主神說:「我是阿拉法,我是俄梅戛 ,是昔在、今在、以後 永 在的全能者。」 我- 約翰 就是你們的弟兄,和你們在耶穌的患難、國度、忍耐裏一同有分,為神的道,並為給耶穌作的見證,曾在那名叫 拔摩 的海島上。(啟1:7-9)

      2014-08-26 領受

      • 關鍵經文:
        • 我-約翰就是你們的弟兄,和你們在耶穌的患難、國度、忍耐裏一同有分,為神的道,並為給耶穌作的見證,曾在那名叫拔摩的海島上。(啟 1:9)
      • 關鍵字詞:
        • 耶穌的忍耐
      • 主要問題:
        • 什麼是耶穌的忍耐?
        • 我在哪方面能與耶穌一同忍耐?
      • 禱告領受的啟示:
        • 耶穌忍耐著人對他的不信
          • 應該有的身份
          • 所說的話語
        • 耶穌忍耐著十字架的痛苦
      • 延伸經文:
        • 並且你們要為我的名被眾人恨惡。惟有忍耐到底的必然得救。(太 10:22)
        • 耶穌說:「噯!不信的世代啊,我在你們這裏要到幾時呢?我忍耐你們要到幾時呢?把他帶到我這裏來吧。」(可 9:19)
        • 神設立耶穌作挽回祭,是憑著耶穌的血,藉著人的信,要顯明 神的義;因為他用忍耐的心寬容人先時所犯的罪(羅 3:25)
        • 不但如此,就是在患難中也是歡歡喜喜的;因為知道患難生忍耐,忍耐生老練,老練生盼望(羅 5:3-4)
        • 你們既是精明人,就能甘心忍耐愚妄人。(林後 11:19)
        • 你們也當忍耐,堅固你們的心,因為主來的日子近了。(雅 5:8)
        • 弟兄們,你們要把那先前奉主名說話的眾先知當作能受苦能忍耐的榜樣。(雅 5:10)
      2014年9月9日 0 意見

      職場小組英文 QT 講義 (Titus 2:1-8)


      1 You must teach what is in accord with sound doctrine.
      2 Teach the older men to be temperate, worthy of respect, self-controlled, and sound in faith, in love and in endurance.
      3 Likewise, teach the older women to be reverent in the way they live, not to be slanderers or addicted to much wine, but to teach what is good.
      4 Then they can train the younger women to love their husbands and children,
      5 to be self-controlled and pure, to be busy at home, to be kind, and to be subject to their husbands, so that no one will malign the word of God.
      6 Similarly, encourage the young men to be self-controlled.
      7 In everything set them an example by doing what is good. In your teaching show integrity, seriousness
      8 and soundness of speech that cannot be condemned, so that those who oppose you may be ashamed because they have nothing bad to say about us.



      • in accord with: 與...一致
      • doctrine: 教義、信條
      • temperate: 穩健的
      • endurance: 忍耐
      • Likewise: 還有
      • reverent: 虔誠
      • slanderers: 讒言
      • addicted to: 沉迷於
      • subject to: 順服
      • integrity: 誠信
      • condemned: 譴責


      The Importance of Sound Doctrine (2:1) 

      When we consider why Paul wrote this letter to Titus, it is clear that the issue of doctrine is one of the biggest reasons. There are false teachers in Crete who believe in unsound doctrine and teach others their false beliefs. In response, Paul writes against and rebukes these false teachers and prioritizes proper and correct doctrine. This is why in verse 1, he starts off by saying, “You, however,” implying that there is a line drawn between those who teach sound doctrine and those who teach false doctrine. As we will soon see, Paul recognizes that doctrine is not merely the study and analysis of abstract concepts, but something that affects the way one practices his or her own faith.

      - If someone were to teach something contrary to the Gospel and what the Bible says, would you be able to tell? How much do you value your theology, and how much time do you invest into developing it?


      • implying: 意涵著
      • contrary: 對立的

      The Impact of Sound Doctrine (2:2~8)

      Paul mentions different groups of people—older men and women, and younger men and women—in order to share the expectations and results of sound doctrine. He is essentially casting the vision and setting standards for all Christians to measure themselves by. He knows, however, that measuring up to these standards is impossible without the grace that is found in the Gospel. When the Gospel of Jesus Christ—His life and work—is properly taught, not only does it change our position and status before God (from an enemy of God deserving death because of sin, to an adopted heir of God who will reign with Him forever through faith in Christ), but our affections and dispositions as well.

      - The Gospel is not merely something that we know and learn about, but a truth that transforms us from the inside out. Is the Gospel affecting your life?


      • essentially: 本質上
      • casting: 鑄造
      • deserving: 值得
      • adopted heir: 採用繼承人
      • affections: 條件
      • dispositions: 規定

      A letter to God 

      Father, thank you for the privilege of knowing sound doctrine through faith in Christ. There are so many false gospels in the world. I pray that I would continue to learn what is true—no matter how difficult it is—instead of settling for an easy falsehood. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
      2014年9月2日 0 意見

      職場小組英文 QT 講義 (Titus 1:10-16)


      10 For there are many rebellious people, mere talkers and deceivers, especially those of the circumcision group.
      11 They must be silenced, because they are ruining whole households by teaching things they ought not to teach--and that for the sake of dishonest gain.
      12 Even one of their own prophets has said, "Cretans are always liars, evil brutes, lazy gluttons."
      13 This testimony is true. Therefore, rebuke them sharply, so that they will be sound in the faith
      14 and will pay no attention to Jewish myths or to the commands of those who reject the truth.
      15 To the pure, all things are pure, but to those who are corrupted and do not believe, nothing is pure. In fact, both their minds and consciences are corrupted.
      16 They claim to know God, but by their actions they deny him. They are detestable, disobedient and unfit for doing anything good.



      • rebellious: 叛逆
      • talkers: 健談
      • deceivers: 多嘴的人
      • circumcision: 割禮
      • ruining: 破壞
      • gluttons: 暴食者
      • rebuke: 斥責
      • sharply: 嚴厲地
      • myths: 編造的話
      • corrupted: 腐爛
      • consciences: 良心
      • detestable: 可恨
      • unfit: 不適合的


      False Teachers and New Believers (1:10~14) 

      Church planting is difficult. Opponents make life hard, and new converts sometimes come with scores of unresolved issues. Paul encounters all of this and more. The so-called circumcision group are a particular source of grief for him, as they seem to turn up wherever he plants a church. Now they are a problem for Titus. Paul warns Titus to silence them, as their false teachings are causing trouble (vv. 10–11). The newly-converted Cretans have their own problems: lying is their way of life, as are evil and laziness (vv. 12–13). Sometimes we idealize the early church, but it was far from perfect. The church has faced challenges from within and without, and it always will.

      - Ministry can be a messy business. Take time to pray for your pastors who shepherd you from false teaching and guide you in your walk with Christ. They need it.


      • Opponents: 對手
      • particular: 細節
      • grief: 悲傷
      • messy: 凌亂的

      The Danger of Good Works (1:15~16)  

      The most curious phrase in these verses is found in verse 16: “They claim to know God, but by their actions they deny him.” The actions referred to are likely the kind of “good” works that people do in order to impress God and earn their salvation. Tim Keller has noted that people can sometimes deny God by their good works because in depending on works, they slander and reject the finished work of Jesus on the cross; their good works are merely filthy rags (Isa. 64:6). True good works are the fruit of true faith, and they are pleasing to God. But good works cannot be a source of faith and are powerless to save because they place faith in the self rather than in Christ, the true Savior.

      - If we ever feel like God owes us for something we have done, it is likely that we have fallen into a works-oriented faith driven by a sense of entitlement. How is your heart in this regard?


      • curious: 稀奇的
      • impress: 使感動
      • slander: 誹謗
      • filthy rags: 汙穢的衣服
      • entitlement: 授權

      A letter to God 

      Father God, teach me to live with a sense of gratitude for all that Christ has achieved in His life, death, and resurrection. May I live with a sense of grace that colors my daily outlook and makes my faith attractive to a watching world. In Jesus’ name. Amen.